Infographic: Over half of Romanian Parliament members aren’t active online

Comm & Politics, Digital & Media, Social Media, Studies

54.21 % of Romanian Parliament members – 182 representatives and 69 senators – do not have a blog or a website to use in order to reach their electorate, according to a study made by ApTI (Romanian Association for Technology and Internet) and Facebrands (Standout). Out of the total Parliament members (463), only 45.79% are active online through a blog or a website – 146 representatives and 66 senators.

Among Romanian senators and representatives, 103 only have a blog, 79 have just a website, 29 have both and 7 have their domain inactive.

The posting frequency isn’t the strong point of Romanian elected politicians, as 109 of them did not have any post this year.

Also, the activity on politicians’ blogs seem to fit the elective process. The infographic shows that in elective year, such as 2008 and 2012, the number of updates from politicians on their online channels seems to increase.

This way, 12,74% of Romanian politicians posted on their sites in 2008, with their number dropping to less than half (4.25%) in 2009 and reaching to 8% in 2010. Because 2011 precedes an electoral year, the increase in number of posts on politicians’ blogs and websites started to grow, 25.94% of Parliament representatives posting something on their media channels.

In the 1st trimester of 2012, the number of politicians busy to fill their websites and blogs with opinions and positions regarding this and that doubled compared to 2011, reaching to 48.58% (almost 4 times more than  in 2008, 10 times higher compared to  2009).

In spite of the increase in 2012, there are still 109 politicians in Romanian Parliament that didn’t updated their websites or blogs.

In social media, out of the total number of Parliament members, 29% have a blog (133 Parliament representatives), 24,41% have Facebook accounts (113) and only 9,72% are present on Twitter (45).

Regarding the update for their social media presence, the number of Romanian politicians in Parliament that updated their Facebook accounts increased 4 times in 2012 compared to 2011, to 83.19% from 16.81%. When it comes about Twitter, 66.67% of Romanian Parliament members posted tweets in 2012, up from 13.33% in 2011 and 15.56% in 2010.

The same analysis shows that Romanian Parliament representatives aren’t very good in using mail or e-mails either. This way, after a contact campaign targeting Romanian Parliament representatives and that saw 332 letters and 663 e-mails sent to Parliament members, the results were: 21 official addresses were incorrect and 61 e-mails didn’t work. When it comes of feedback, the campaign only got 3 answers.

More on “How you can (not) contact a Romanian Parliament member” you can see here (Romanian language). More on the initiative are available here (also in Romanian)