Leo Burnett Bucharest creatives organized Open.Now, an online auction to support the fight against Covid-19


The agency Leo Burnett Bucharest launched the online auction Open Now – Burnetters for Good on 05.05.2020. New times, new solutions. From the desire of offering support during this period of time to the medical staff found in the first line of fight against the new coronavirus, Leo Burnett Bucharest organized between colleagues and friends an auction in video-conference system through the Zoom platform. The auctioned pieces were the works of the Leo Burnett creatives.

The idea came to us some weeks ago at a discussion in a meeting. We wanted to have a contribution in helping the people that in this period of time are in the first line against the Coronovirus. Our team is formed of creative people and therefore we thought that we can use our talent and do a good deed by organizing an online auction,” said Ana Miculescu, Business Director, Leo Burnett Bucharest.

Following the auction in which took part alongside the agency people clients and close friends were risen RON 21.000, amount of money that will go to UNICEF and the charitable organization Tehnologia Salveaza Romania (Technology Saves Romania). They will contribute to the buying of protection equipment meant to help against the day to day fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

The most auctioned piece of art was the series of 3 illustrated poems “Papiota”, “Interview” și “2 truths, 1 lie” signed by Miruna Potop and Silvana Frinculescu. The works “D:scriptiv”, by Irina Szellelki and Silvia Gradinaru, and “Leaving San Junipero” by Silvana Frinculescu were sold the fastest and the collection “Totul va fi bine” signed by Nadejda Ghilca was the most popular among the participants and sold for RON 2.300.

On the event’s official Instagram account OPEN.NOW are found all the works presented and sold.