Altex comes back to the charismatic communication that is known for, in the most recent corporate campaign signed by DDB Romania


Altex, the leader of the retail market, and the one has always been injecting “normality” in Romanians’ lives, puts the accent on a series of modern services, meant to transform the shopping experience into a complete one, in its newest campaign.

“For 30 years, Altex has remained faithful to its mission to make technology accessible to all Romanians, through quality products, at the lowest price on the market. We are a brand that always updates its services, in order to keep pace with the times and needs of customers. In 2021, for us, it is normal for prices to be updated, in real time, in physical stores, as well as online. It is equally normal for two couriers to deliver bulky products to the customer’s home. We chose to communicate these two services, in the newest corporate campaign, in a light and humorous way, in the Altex style”, says Carmen Căpitănescu, Altex Romania marketing manager.

The two TV spots, now launched, which promote electronic labels in stores and delivery with two couriers, focus on a number of situations in which benefits are present in unlikely contexts, by contrast, naturally finding their place in Altex stores.

Thus, the creative agency DDB Romania, highlighted two factors: consistency (further consolidation of the recognizable Romanian universe and brand differentiator, through a new infusion of humor and local “flavor”) and memorability (focusing on finding creative formulas that to make the information purely functional in a simple but fun and unforgettable way).

“The robe, the robe, how much is the robe? Remember? Well, we have fresh merchandise in the gallantry of communication. Bold, bold and humorous stories. Altex to the bone – with stalls, with Obor, with sarmale and of course with “characters”. With no surrealism, the necessary ingredient in defining a Romanian reality. There was a lot of laughter, we had a heated discussion, it turned out nicely, thank you Altex team, thank you colleagues!”, said Ștefan Vasilachi, Creative Director of DDB Romania.

The TV spot at the restaurant communicates the delivery service to two people, who ensure that no matter where the purchase of oversized products is made (online or offline), the delivery is made to the address indicated by the customer, without hassle. It also offers the possibility for old appliances to be taken over on this occasion, free of charge, if this aspect is mentioned when ordering.

The TV spot on the market talks about electronic labels in physical stores, where prices are updated several times a day, quickly, and harmonize with those online. If online alignments were done instantly, offline the operation was more difficult to perform, until now. Digitizing this process benefits the customer, but also saves time for store teams, and this time is dedicated to specialized consulting. In addition, through digitalization, the brand still maintains the promise of the lowest price in Romania.

The campaign launched on December 21st and rolls on TV, radio, online and instore (the Altex stores network).

The teams that contributed to creating the campaign were formed of:


Carmen Căpitănescu – Manager Marketing

Mihaela Petrica – Marketing Campaign Manager Altex

Team DDB Romania:

Ștefan Vasilachi – Creative Director

Teodor Minea –  Senior Art Director

Alexandru Iliescu –  Copywriter

Roxana Țâmpău – Managing Director

Karina Condei – Strategic Planner

Cătălina Biro – Account Director

Marian Mihăilescu – Senior DTP