Romanian state news agency Agerpres signed a new collective work contract with its employees

Business, Digital & Media

Romanian state news agency Agerpres and Romanian Journalists Syndicate Mediasind – Agerpres branch signed a new Collective work contract for the next 2 years, 2020-2022.

The document includes European rules regarding liberty of expression, the Deonthological Code of Journalist, the Ethical Guide for Photojournalism and important provisions related to insuring work conditions worthy for a public press institution.

The contract regulates the rights and obligations of the employee and employer, establishing, besides serious measures to protect and guarantee workplaces, also a series of rules regarding the work mechanism for social dialogue at European standards. The contract maintains the provisions that offer professional guarantees for agency´s journalists, such is the conscience clause, which guarantees the confidentiality of Agerpres journalist´s sources.

The provisions are meant to insure the editorial independence of Agerpres, the liberty of expression for its employees and the professional obligations in order to achieve the mission as mentioned within the Law of organizing and functioning of Agerpres, respectively to present objectively and balanced the realities in sectors like socio-political life, economy, religion, sulture-science of the country, promoting the democratic, civil and moral values.

The collective work contract from Agerpres, signed for 2 years, was registered with the Territorial Work Inspectorate Bucharest