Ex-Godmother, Aela Cotabita took over as Managing Director Highlight PR

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Aela Cotabita took over as Managing Director Highlight PR in January 2024, being responsible for the operational management of the agency, coordination of the team, business and communication strategy, and active participation in pitches and strategic projects.

Ionut Curtean, Managing Partner of Highlight Agency.

“One strong point of the Highlight group is the team, which over time has become a living organism, and it is essential for us that each new member shares our values and becomes an integral part. I was delighted to find in Aela the business partner we desired, that expert with the heart and drive of an entrepreneur, a specialist with extensive expertise in communication, but also a real, authentic, honest person who I feel integrates perfectly into the Highlight team,”

Aela Cotabiță has over 20 years of experience in communication, worked, during her career, in agencies such as Godmother, V+O Communication, HyperActive, or GreenPixel and coordinated, over years, communication for over 50 accounts in sectors such as FMCG, IT/Telecom, Pharma, Beauty, Banking, Auto, Retail, etc.

Aela Cotabita, Managing Director of Highlight PR.

“The proposal to join the Highlight group came at a time when I was seeking such a challenge, alongside partners with whom I share not only a passion for communication but also human and business values. I was pleased to join a team of professionals with whom I will continue to strengthen and develop Highlight PR in the coming period, in line with the essence of our slogan ‘Shaping Stories‘”

Founded in 2021, Highlight PR has competences in areas such as media relations, brand communication, influencer marketing, event organization, employer branding, and digital. The agency offers clients a dynamic mix of experience and freshness, with the Highlight PR team defined by authenticity, liveliness, adaptability, and connection to new trends and directions in the marcom market.

In 2024, Highlight PR aims to consolidate its market position, expand the client portfolio, and execute diverse projects, focusing though on integrated communication campaigns, brand communication, internal communication, Employer Branding, digital, and social media.

Highlight PR is part of the Highlight communication group, was founded in 2021 and has executed, since then, projects and communication campaigns for clients such as Ursus Breweries, Beiersdorf Romania, Unilever, Vodafone Romania, Raiffeisen Bank, and Pernod Ricard Romania.