2024 PHNX Awards: Purpose-driven campaigns dominated Grand Prix list

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Purpose-driven campaigns dominated the Grand Prix list at this year’s AdForum PHNX Awards. These winners meant that VML scored five Grand Prix, which easily made it Network of the Year. VML Singapore was Agency of the Year based on its total wins in the competition.

In an unprecedented outcome, two different juries awarded two Grand Prix to the same two projects: “Change the Angle” for Lux, by VML Singapore, and “Life Extending Stickers” for Makro Colombia, by VML/Grey Colombia. The pair shared the top prize in Good Causes and Strategy & Technique.

In addition, “Life Extending Stickers” scored a third Grand Prix in Design. The campaign deploys stickers to suggest ways consumers can use “over-ripe” fruit in recipes, combating food waste. The Grand Prix juries agreed that the idea was simple, effective and well- executed.

Meanwhile, “Change the Angle” for Lux combats sexism in sport by using a QR code on female athletes’ sportswear to highlight the way women are objectified by camera angles in broadcasts.

Other winners were also cause-related. The Film Grand Prix went to “Me, My Autism and I” for Vanish by Havas London. The family drama depicts the importance of certain items of clothing for autistic people in a highly moving way.

The Digital Grand Prix also featured two winners, one of them for a cause: “855 How To Quit (Opioids)”, for Anzen Health by Serviceplan Germany. A Digital Grand Prix also went to a very different campaign: “Skins4Real” for Gocco by Digitas Uruguay – which allowed kids on Roblox to try on virtual fashion and buy the clothes in real life.

Finally, the Print Grand Prix went to “Natural Intelligence” for Nikon by Circus Grey in Peru. Beautiful photographs showed wonders of the natural world to remind us that there are marvels to be seen away from our screens and not reliant on technology.

AdForum launched the PHNX Awards in the heart of lockdown in 2020 to celebrate the resilience of creativity. It has lived on as one of the most unusual shows in the awards landscape. Its jury is made up not only of creatives, but planners, executives, clients, PRs, marketers, consultants…everyone who makes up our vibrant industry.

This year, more than 1000 jurors voted on the work online. The Grand Prix winners were chosen after live panel debates.

The Grand Prix winners were:

  • FILM: “Me, My Autism and I”, Vanish, Havas London
  • PRINT: “Natural Intelligence”, Nikon, Circus Grey
  • DIGITAL: “855 How To Quit (Opioids)”, Anzen Health, Serviceplan Germany “Skins4Real”, Gocco, Digitas Uruguay
  • STRATEGY & TECHNIQUE: “Change the Angle”, Lux, VML Singapore // “Life Extending Stickers”, Makro Colombia, VML/Grey Colombia
  • DESIGN: “Life Extending Stickers”, Makro Colombia, VML/Grey Colombia
  • GOOD CAUSES: “Change the Angle”, Lux, VML Singapore // “Life Extending Stickers”, Makro Colombia, VML/Grey Colombia

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