Romanian Press Club goes against information thieves


Romanian Press Club (CRP) came up with measures and also sent a press release in which it sanctions the information thieves.

The press release states:

“The Honor Council of CRP was informed on the increased number of press materials taken over by online outlets without respecting the legal and deontology rules that apply.

The CRP council sees, with worry, the appearance and development of many websites that make a content strategy based on relaying information, without any rights, from other informational sources such as press agencies, newspapers, TVs, radio stations or other websites.

CRP analyzed this problem in 2005 and maintains even now its position: information must circulate free, but journalistic rights are protected by legal and deontology measures.

Taking in consideration those 2 principles, Romanian Press Club considers that, in absence of an agreement made with rights owner, the press materials can be quoted, with mention of the source, in the limit of 500 signs, but without going over half of the quoted article.”