Ziarul Financiar launches ZF Exclusiv

Digital & Media, Marketing, Media

Ziarul Financiar, the main Romanian business daily, launched, on October 13th, ZF Exclusiv, a service that allows access to exclusive journalistic materials written by journalists from Ziarului Financiar, Mediafax Business News and Business Magazin, the most powerful Romanian redactions writing on economic matters.

The new service can be accessed online and includes exclusive news, analysis, editorials and interviews. In this section, people can find statements from businessmen, financial results of the companies or estimations on the Romanian and international markets trends, interviews with executives, analysis or information on the capital market.

ZF Exclusiv targets companies and institutions that can have access, by paying an annual subscription, to information that can influence directly or can have immediate effects on the markets they activate on.

In this context and to offer clients all the needed instruments to a more efficient promotion of their own businesses and an increase reaction speed, the subscriptions include also other services, such as: Press releases – that will be published on www.comunicate.mediafax.biz, media monitoring reports from Mediafax Monitorizare, and, depending on the type of subscription, advertising space on www.zf.ro.

According to Orlando Nicoara, the new product combines Business News service from Mediafax with Ziarul Financiar and the traffic it has, of around 700,000 unique visitors per month.

On his blog, Nicoara writes that the service offers clients 4 packages, the most convenient one being the one for 12 months. This package has a smaller fee per month (Euro 82 versus Euro 105) and offers the client 2 advertorials on ZF.ro, 6 press releases on Mediafax’s specialized service, a monitoring report on 5 key words from central press, radio, TV and internet for a month.

Ziarul Financiar is the Romanian business daily with the biggest number of subscribers on Romanian market and the specialized publication with the highest number of readers per edition.


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