Mihnea and Adela are for PR Progress

Digital & Media, Marketing, PR

Mihnea Miculescu and Adela Nicoară co-founded PR Forum, members in the team responsible for this projects being also Irina Florea and Dragoş Pătlăgeanu.

On his blog, Mihnea says: “Today we made waves with a project I am working at for more than one year, together with Adela, Irina and Dragoş. And I’m talking here about PR Progress, the first online Romanian PR community. I believe that Romanian PR needs this, and this is clearly shown by sites like PRSA, CIPR or FERPI (there are sites that reflect the industry in their respective countries). For all to be very clear, I am talking about an independent project, supported by PR people and that benefits of help from Romanian PR agencies (they were all contacted and the ones that answered had a positive and enthusiastic feedback). We expressed our desire to work together with ARRP and CCRP and we are still waiting for an answer from them.”