The oldest newspaper stopped printing, will continue appear online


Swedish Post-och Inrikes Tidningar newspaper ceased its print apparition starting January 1st and will continue to exist only online.

The newspaper was founded in 1645 by Queen Kristina of Sweden and is the oldest newspaper still existing in the world.

From print to online it was a long way. The 1st edition of the newspaper was made under a special form and delivered and posted on panels in Swedish villages and towns.

Nowadays,  Post-och Inrikes Tidningar is publishing announcement by corporations, court houses and certain governmental agencies, with around 1,500 announcements published daily in its online edition.

When printed, the newspaper appeared in 1,000 copies but the team managing its content expects the online edition to attract a high number of internet users.

The newspaper is owned by Swedish Academy, that awards Nobel Prize for literature, but the publishing rights were recently sold to  Swedish Companies Registration Office, a governmental agency.

Although it dropped paper for online, Post-och Inrikes Tidningar continues to be the oldest newspaper in the world still in circulation, according to World Association of Newspapers.