IAA Young Professionals Romania has 4 clients for students that participate in CompetitIAA 3.0
IAA Young Professionals Romania organizes the 3rd edition of CompetitIAA, a contest that offer students with passion for marketing and communication the chance to have a practical experience in the field, by simulating a paid pitch in front of 4 big clients: Ursus, leo Burnett, Mediafax and New Horizos Foundation .
There are many students that want to work in communication and, with CompetitIAA, they got the chance to test their ideas in a very close to reality environment: with a brief for an actual and clear communication situation, belonging to a real client and with pitching the proposals directly to those that have the power to decide for the respective brand. We are happy this year we managed to convince 4 clients to listen and evaluate students’ ideas: a big company, an important agency, a media trust and an NGO, all the domains a communication afficionado can be interested in. We hope to have as many ideas generators to enter CompetitIAA, as we prepared for them provocative creative briefs and awards to reward the convincing ideas
Nicoleta Deliu,
President IAA YP.
To enter the competition, the students must make their own “agency” and follow the steps of entry process (with one demanding them to fill in the entry form until November 3rd, on www.competitiaa.ro). Second stage will start on November 6th, when the 20 finalist teams will be announced during a debriefing session. After this session, 5 finalist teams will be drawn for each of the 4 available briefs. The final presentation are scheduled to take place on December 21-22