Julius Meinl built the Poetry House in Bucharest

Digital & Media, PR, Social Media

Julius Meinl built the Poetry House in Bucharest and the walls of the place will be inscribed with poems in real time, by a robot, and based on the verses it receives during one day, from 10am to 10pm, from people using a special app from Julius Meinl Romania’s Facebook page

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Casa Poeziei

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The Poetry House will be decorated right during the launch, with the evolution of the poetry painted walls to be visible via live streaming in the same Faceook app.

The launch of the space with help from a poet-robot shows to everyone that poetry can be relevant even when living in an era of speed, mechanization and automation.

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We are putting 2 flags in a new conquered space by poetry in its fight to become a celebrity again. We create a physic space, where movement can take place and we do that in a way specific to the contemporary years, using tech to add entertainment, showing one more time that poetry, in the proper form, is not obsolete. The poetry becomes actual, modern, flashy and the entire event is spreading the content created in social media into real life

Radu Pilat,

Community Marketing Expert Heist Industries

The event is part of Julius Meinl “Poetry can make a better world”, through which the brand aims to bring back poetry in general public’s attention

Adi Despot scriind prima poezie din Casa Poeziei_small

There are beautiful things that happen right under our eyes but that we don’t notice, from some reason. There are always other things, more shiny, more superficial, that distract us. I think this event was conceived in the same way. Poetry, that seems heavy and old for many, takes the tech form and uses social media. A “shiny and superficial” wrapping, that helps it getting back again in the center of the discussions

Adi Despot

Romanian singer, Vita de Vie.

Previous to launching the house, Julius Meinl surprised Bucharest inhabitants with post-its with verses that invaded the metro trains and offered joy to travelers for 2 days and by launching a day of the year when poetry was used to pay for coffee.

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