Loyalty and CRM Forum: How should brands manage their customer relationship?


The idea of focusing brands attention on customers and not on profit, was conveyed at the Romanian Retail Convention earlier this month, but at Loyalty and CRM Forum (November 21st , Bucharest), the subject of how brands should manage their customer relationships was extensively approached.

Premise: there are many other solutions to reward customers loyalty, than promotions. Yet, is loyalty really to be rewarded? A brand trying to be in agreement with itself would probably answer like a brand definitely in agreement with itself: “there are some things money can’t buy.”

Here are some case studies presented at the conference:

Are we aware of the huge technological progress which we enjoy every day, without having contributed with nothing? Here’s Louis C.K.’s opinion: “Everything ‘s Amazing and Nobody’s Happy”.

How far would a brand go, in order to find out what customers want?

Sometimes there are customers who could be targeted as “impossible to understand”:

Lexus Romania specified that they are attentive to the smallest details when it comes to customer care. Once, a customer came with his car for a regular check. Talking with the Lexus representative, the customer confessed that he wanted to buy a Lexus collection edition watch, but it only be bought from America and it cannot be ordered. Subsequently, the representative contacted Lexus America and in a few weeks, the client received a random gift: a Lexus collection edition watch.

If Lexus claims they have no limits in their customer satisfaction strategy, I can’t help asking myself, if I would have a Lexus watch and I would subtly let them know I would like a car, would they offer me a “moment”?

Material written by Lucian Talpes