Contextual campaign for Timisoreana, from GMP Advertising


 GMP Advertising and Timisoreana saluted, with a contextual campaign, European Union’s decision to eliminate the mandatory visa for travelling in European space for Moldavians. “We’re separated by a Prut, but a beer unites us” is the message that welcomes transit procedures simplification between the 2 countries.


After EU institutions approved the project to drop visas for Moldavians that own biometric passports, they are able to travel without a visa in EU countries, starting this year.

The news inspired a new contextual campaign to remind both to Romanians and Moldavians the things they have in common. The campaign consisted in placing more banners with a generic message at the border between the 2 countries.

Mihai Gongu - Creative Director GMP Advertising

Timisoreana, the 1st Romanian brand, is loved equally by Romanians on both sides of Prut river. It is here since the times where Prut was just a river and not also a border and will continue to be here, close to the Romanians (…) We wanted to mark this historical moment of dropping visas for Moldavians with a contexual billboard placed right at the border. This isn’t the first reactive marketing campaign we are implementing for Timisoreana and we thank the client for the courage

Mihai Gongu,

Creative Director GMP Advertising.

Vama Albita

Campaign’s billboards are placed at Albita customs, where they will remain until the end of April

The teams working on this campaign include:

  • GMP Advertising: Mihai Gongu (Creative Director), Alina Zaharescu (Senior Art Director), Claudiu Petria (Account Manager) and Catrinel Manolescu (Account Director).
  • Timisoreana: Ioana Sapera (Junior Brand Manager Timisoreana), Cristina Gherman (Senior Brand Manager Timisoreana), Mihai Barsan (VP Marketing).

Mesaj Timisoreana

Starting February, GMP Advertising is partner of the most creative independent network in Europe, Jung von Matt. In 2013, at Golden Drum, GMP was recognized as “The Independent Agency of New Europe” and is the most awarded independent agency in Romania at local and international creativity festivals. GMP has in its portfolio clients like Timisoreana, Petrom, Romtelecom, Arctic, Baumax, Ciucas, Mondelez or Volkswagen.

GMP Advertising is part of GMP Group, along with Webstyler, GMP PR, Point Public Affairs, Chapter 4 and Go Studio.