Online visibility – how to boost a website visibility

Business, Digital & Media, Know-how Sharing, Start Up

Are you struggling to gain visibility online? With so many companies striving to hit the first page in search engines, it is safe to say the competition is fierce. 

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Despite this, there is no reason why you can boost your company’s online presence by putting measures into place that helps not only hit the top page on search engines for keywords related to your company. But also stay there time after time no matter what happens.

It all starts with getting your website ready to fight off the competition. But how do you do that? Chances are, you could benefit from outsourcing this to professionals so you can benefit from their expertise to help market your website and your company.

  • SEO

If you aren’t implementing good SEO practises, then why not? With guidelines changing all the time, you need to be on top of this to help you beat the algorithms and stay on top.

In the first instance, you may want to get a seo analysis to see how you are currently performing. You can then see what you need to make improvements and implement changes asap.

You want to be ranking for keywords relating to your niche, think long-tail key phrases that people would be searching to find you. Then implement this consistently and authoritatively across your site.

Create useful and informative content and make sure you have descriptive captions for items you are selling so they can boost your SEO too.

  • Website Development

Google doesn’t just take into account your SEO when it comes to ranking you. It also looks at how fast your site loads, how long people stay on your site for and how easy it is to navigate. 

Google looks favourably on sites that are user-friendly. You could have the best SEO practises in place, but if your site isn’t user-friendly, then this will do you more harm than good.

On their own, these issues won’t cause too much of a problem when it comes to ranking. However, if your site isn’t running well and is neglected it will work against you in the search results.

  • Check regularly for broken links, 404 errors and correct them. Or put in 301 redirects if you can’t restore the page.
  • Optimise images and your site speed. Slow to load images will slow the site down and make users click off. Delete unnecessary metadata and use a good caching plugin (if you use WordPress) to speed up load times
  • Make sure your content is easily accessible to everyone – including people who require screen readers. Include ALT tags on images and use descriptive titles.
  • Use internal links to help users navigate easily between different pages to find related content.
  • Make your content shareable. If people can share your content with others it will help boost your visibility in the search results. Whilst social shares won’t directly affect your ranking, it will help get your website out there in front of more people. This increases the possibility of inbound links which is in turn highly beneficial to you when it comes to gaining authority online and with search engines.