Giving customers what they actually want – a guarantee of business success

Business, Marketing

No matter the business model, the innovative products or the best team ever, your business is likely to fail if you don’t have a solid following of loyal customers. Whether you’re an accountancy firm, a local glass scratch repair company, or a global fast food chain, your customers are integral to your success. Any business owner has to give customer experiences the deserved attention or risk failure. Let’s take a closer look at how to master this aspect.

What issues are covered by the term customer experiences 

Essentially, it’s a term that relates to any interaction with the business. This could occur online, offline, or across a combination of the two. It covers direct marketing efforts as well as elements of customer care and general communications. It focuses on the idea of resonating with the audience and building a stronger connection.

Why are customer experiences so vital? 

Research shows that customer experiences now have a bigger impact on a client’s loyalty than the products or services. Meanwhile, 86% of customers are happy to pay more for an improved consumer experience. This ultimately means that providing clients with the user experience they want can translate to more sales from new leads, as well as repeat sales from existing clients. Given the power of recommendation, it’s potentially one of the biggest marketing tools at your disposal.

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Satisfying customer demands 

Modern customers have higher demands than any previous generation. It’s quite understandable given the amount of options at their disposal and ability to find hundreds of businesses with a single Google search. So, you need to ensure that the following issues are high on the agenda. 

Client Safety  

Data breaches occur every 39 seconds, and it’s a threat that consumers take very seriously. In addition to installing the best payment encryption software, it’s vital that you focus on keeping data safe. Nobody will use a business if it can’t be trusted. Moreover, a single data breach could damage your reputation beyond repair. 


As well as value for money, clients need to feel valued as people. Providing quality customer care before, during, and after the transaction is vital. Meanwhile, adapting your marketing efforts to your niche is hugely beneficial. This could include giving small freebies like branded anti bacterial gel or mugs. On a similar note, responding to their feedback can aid the cause.


People buy people. Showing that you share common ground can draw customers to your brand. Whether it’s going green, supporting local causes, or acting in a responsible manner is up to you. Even ideas like showing brand personality through social media campaigns and behind-the-scenes insights work well. Gain a closeness, and it will shine through. 

Customers do need to see great products and services. However, there are plenty of companies that offer brilliant products. Only those that understand the human elements of customer expectations can truly thrive in the modern arena. Do not let the opportunity pass you by.