Siemens Race 2012, followed online by over 200,000 people

Digital & Media, PR, Social Media

The second edition of Siemens Race, that took place between May 10th-16th, reached to an online audience of over 200,000 unique visitors that generated over 1.2M page views/impressions, with the campaign running exclusively through social media.

Siemens Race brought in spotlight solutions for urban development implemented by Siemens in 13 Romanian towns. Together with the 10 bloggers that experimented the race offline, the online audience had the occasion to discover the most performant technologies in the field, such as infrastructure for towns, energy, health and industry.

According to Zelist monitoring, 200,000 people followed online the campaign and generated over 1.2M page views / impressions, the audience being three times higher than the one that followed the 1st edition of Siemens Race competition. The highest audience was generated by the communication bloggers made on Facebook and Twitter

Dan Santimbreanu

Head of Corporate Communications Siemens Romania

On their over 1,700 km itinerary, bloggers discovered

  • in Bucharest – how 9,000 packages can be sorted in just one hour, through the solution Siemens implemented for Fan Curier
  • in Craiova – how an ultrasound medical diagnose equipment from 1987 is fully functional and saved, over the time, thousands of lives
  • in Iasi – one of the most performant tomographic equipments in the world, developed also by Siemens
  • cement mills at Holcim Campulung
  • how pig iron is made at Arcelor Mittal Galati
  • how an electrical station can function with no employees at Gura Ialomitei

The interest of online users for this campaign increased sensibly once the bloggers effectively started the Race. If 75,000 people were following the project during pre-campaign period, another 125,000 joined them during bloggers’ race to discover the green technologies in Romania

Dan Santimbreanu

The winners of Siemens Race were Razvan Baciu and Alex Mazilu – The Artists’ Team. The winning team offered their prize – a trip to Hamburg, the green capital of Europe in 2011 – to one of their online fans that supported them during the Race.

In Siemens Race, the following teams were also involved Alex Negrea & Adrian Ciubotaru, Andrei Crivat & Marius Sescu, Cristina Bazavan & Cristina Chipurici, Dan Dragomir & Razvan Pascu.

Siemens Race is a Siemens Romania project, made together with Pi2 PR, Romanian PR agency. The 1st edition of Siemens Race received Silver Award for Excellence in Environmental projects communication, at Romanian PR Award 2011.


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