TVR wants exclusivity from its contributors


TVR, Romanian State Television, wants to impose its contributors contracts that will exclude the possibility of working with other TV stations, according to Mediafax. The contracts TVR wants to impose will exclude a double collaboration from its contributors, not allowing them to work with other TV stations if they work with the state run television.

Alexandru Lăzescu, TVR ‘s president and general director, said the journalists that are realizing a TV show for the state run television can’t go to other TV stations, according to Mediafax.

Among TVR’s contributors are Liviu Mihaiu, that has also programs at Radio Guerrilla, Luca Niculescu, editor in chief of RFI România and others.

The 1st publication that mentioned this decision regarding the contracts took by TVR was The online publication was mentioning the radical decision taken by TVR’s management on July 23rd.