Research: Ursus – most remembered after Romania-France football game
Exact Research and Consultancy, BBDO Group’s marketing research agency, made a “Day After Reach” research regarding the most remembered brands for the public that watched, on Romanian Television, the football game Romania-France that took place on September 6th.
The research measured the spontaneous notoriety of the brands promoted during the game and between the 2 halfs of the game and refers to urban public aged 15 -64 y.o. that watched at least 5 minutes of the game. The research also included the brands that were promoted on the stadium and had visibility on TV.
The most remembered brand, with the highest notoriety, was Ursus, followed by Bergenbier , Coca-Cola, Adidas, Dacia and Ceresit. The next positions, according to the spontaneous mentions, were occupied by Heineken, Baumax, Pepsi, Borsec, Cosmote, Intersport, Orange, Suzuki, Cava d’Oro and Stanley Bet.
The research was made through the phone (CATI method) and covered a group of 208 randomly chosen people. The error of the study can reach to 3.2%.
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