Zelist Monitor monitor also online press comments made via Facebook
Zelist Monitor started, on August 8th, to also monitor online press comments made via Facebook (through the Comment Box widget). The monitoring of online comments via Facebook joins the other types of sources: press, blogs, Twitter, Facebook pages and public groups and the most important Romanian forums.
More and more publications are using Facebook to give users the opportunity to comments on their websites, with comments being made under a real identity (the one declared on Facebook) and avoiding, this way, the spam comments.
The number of comments monitored by Zelist Monitor increased constantly, every month, since the start of the year, with biggest increase in comments number being registered after June 1st.
Monitoring comments made through Facebook has the big advantage of them being assumed. Users that show to be identified are real users – not robots or spammers – and their opionions matter, no matter if they talk about brands, politics or social matters
Even if, for now, the daily average of these comments is close to 1,450, the fact that the marketeers have now the possibility to discover users’ opinions about them and to engage them in conversations
Catalin Tenita
Managing Partner TreeWorks
Zelist Monitor – developed and implemented by TreeWorks – is a Romanian solution of social media monitoring and follows over 64,000 blogs, 55,000 Twitter accounts, over 20,000 Facebook pages and public groups, over 1,200 online press sources and the most important 51 Romanian forums.