Matei Psatta takes over as Head of Social Media & Strategic Planning at iLeo (Publicis Romania)
Matei Psatta is the new Head of Social Media and Strategic Planning at iLeo, an agency part of Publicis Romania Group, with the announcement of job change made by Matei on his blog.
Previously to taking over the new position, Matei was in charge with social media within the Romanian PR agency GMP PR. During his over 3 years within GMP, he managed the digital activities of the agency and worked on campaigns awarded at different local and international festivals.
Felicitari, Matei e un tip talentat!
Intrebare e, cati dintre noi au sansa de a fi sustinuti si promovati de cineva care lucreaza in publicitate? Se stie cat de greu e sa intrii in acest joc al agentiilor, iar internship-urile pe care le primeste un om obisnuit (fara conexiuni) sunt defapt munca pe gratis, fara nicio posibilitate ulterioara…
Asa ca, oare ar fi ajuns acolo unde este, daca se nastea sub un alt nume?
Roxana, it is true that making a career in advertising is difficult. Still, I consider your comment a bit bitter. True, a name is a name, but it can’t get you further than the entrance door or an interview. Campaign, awards, happy clients and appreciation show there’s value. Either than that, where there’s a will, there’s a way!
Dear Cristina,
I think you understood me wrong. I wasn’t talking about advertisement, in general. I’m mostly talking about Romania here. And I’m not diminishing Matei’s achievements. He has done a really good work.
What I wanted to say is that unfortunately, a name can do more than open a door. It will help you at the beginning, it will make people treat you better and different.
As a normal intern, at an agency in Romania, you won’t receive this treatment. You will do a lot of work, you won’t receive credit for it, and at the end the only thing you get is a handshake and a written proof. Any intern will agree with me on this..
Normal ca numele ajuta, dar sunt atatia oameni mai “ajunsi” decat mine care n-au avut niciun background ajutator.
Un prim exemplu ar fi chiar seniorul. 🙂
Se poate. Nu-i usor in nicio formula, dar se poate.
Draga Matei,
Imi cer scuze daca te-am bagat in discutia asta aiurea. Stiu ca ai muncit ca sa ajungi unde esti acum, si cu siguranta vei ajunge mult mai departe.
Problema mea e cu sistemul de internship din Ro. Aici, nu exista nicio lege care sa reglementeze acest “titlu”. Internship-ul nu exista legal… De aceea sunt foarte putini care la finalul unui stagiu primesc un contract, indiferent de munca depusa.
Iar Cristina… A face o cariera in publicitate este intradevar dificil. La fel si una ca medic, arhitect, artist, contabil, vanzator (oare are rost sa continui?)
Iti scrie cineva care in Romania s-a chinuit in internshipuri si munca la negru in timpul facultatii. Am avut insa inspiratia sa aplic si “in afara”, pentru job-uri in “Comunicare”…
Eu militez pentru o lege a internship-ului. Tu Matei, esti deja o persoana publica si un produs al unui stagiu de practica. Poate vocea ta e mai puternica.
Mult succes la noul job! Sa-ti intreci performantele de anul acesta!
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