MarkDay: Why to invest in content marketing?

Events, Marketing

MarkDay, event taking place in Bucharest and Cluj, reunites Romanian and international speakers who will approach, in their presentations, a number of subjects, including subjects related to digital marketing.


Luke Brynley – Jones, founder Our Social Times,  is an UK social media consultant which combines marketing clear and strategic approach with the indisputable experience he has. Even before the appearance of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or MySpace, Luke worked with global organizations, brands, celebrities and start-ups he helped to developed real online communities, encouraging online engagement.

Brynley-Jones will be present at MarkDay Cluj where he will explain how an efficient content marketing program is created and how the results are measured, but also about how to use marketing and social media content to deliver ROI.

Together with Luke, in Cluj will be also present Ilyan Kovatchev, Andre Alpar and Adelina Oprea.