Romanian internet user is a woman

Creativity, Digital & Media, Marketing, Media

The Romanian internet users profile modified compared to last year, the Romanian internet user being, this year, a woman, aged 20-24 years old, living in Bucharest, according to the results of a Demographical Study campaign ran by from May 25th till June 25th, on 2,058 Romanian sites, on 42,000 respondents.

The number of women that use internet increased by 6%, them representing now 53% of the total number of Romanian internet users, while the males make up for the rest. According to the study, 50% of the ones that answered the survey aren’t married, while only 44% are married or live together with their life partner. The rest of the users are either widowed or divorced.

Demographically, most internet users are 20 – 24 years old (22%), next in ranks being 25-29 y.o.(16%), 30 – 34 y.o. (14%) and 40 – 49 y.o.(14%). Most of the people that answered the survey are living in Romania (94%), Moldavia (2%) and Germany (0,2%). The main cities for the Romanian internet users are Bucharest (25%) and big counties such as Iasi (5%), Cluj (5%), Constanta (4%) and Prahova (3%).

Education wise, most Romanian internet users finished an University (34%) and post-university studies (15%) and they are, work wise, managers on different levels (26%) and students (24%).

Romanian internet users prefer desktop PCs (76%), while 44% like to use laptops and 13% mobile phones and 4% – smartphones.

In what concerns internet consumption, Romanians enter at least once on internet (90%), from home (90%) or work (34%). While on internet, they access online newspapers and magazines (72%), Hi5, LinkedIn or Facebook (53%), recruiting sites (43%) and auto sites (31%).

Offline, the Romanian internet user is interested in medicine, health and food (46%), events & news about Romania (45%), family (37%), tourism & travel (40%) and quizzes, games, crosswords (32%).

In their own spare time, most of the respondents prefer to stay indoors surfing on internet (70%), watching TV (60%) and less spending time with the family or going out with friends

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