DDB Worldwide & Opinionway research show brands how to keep being interesting on Facebook

Creativity, Digital & Media, Marketing

A study realized by DDB Worldwide and Opinionway shows brands what they can do to avoid consumer disengagement and spark social creativity with fans

According to the study, brand fans are omnipresent on Facebook, most fan pages having a favorably rating.

36% of brands Facebook fans say they are more likely to buy the product, and 92% are more likely to recommend it since they have subscribed to the brand’s fan page. In spite of that, as brand novelty wears thin, brands should beware and closely monitor benefits, content and frequency of communications or they will see those same fans quickly disengage.

The study covers more than 1,600 consumers in Europe, U.S., Latin America and Asia Pacific and examines the curios relationship between brands and Facebook.

According to the report, 36% of brand fans already unsubscribed from brand’s fan page, their number being likely to increase, especially if brands fail to identify correctly what they need to communicate, how often or what in order to maintain fans interest.

DDB Worldwide Communications Group is one of the 5 top advertising and marketing services networks in the world. The company has more than 200 offices in over 90 countries.