Romanian Litera Publishing House offers for free the English – Romanian dictionary for iPhone

Digital & Media, Media

Romanian Litera Publishing House launched, in the 1st part of this year, the iPhone version of the English Romanian dictionary, that can be accessed for free. The application can be downloaded for free from AppStore.

The app is functioning also offline and has the basic functions of an electronic dictionary: search and alphabetic listing. The simplicity of the app offers to the user a pleasant experience through a fast download and the easy access to the definition of the searched term.

The iPhone edition of the dictionary includes 30,000 words and expressions from the usual language and from different domains.

The product was already downloaded in the entire world, being accessed by people from 44 countries such as UK, USA, Germany, France, Australia, Japan, Russia, UAE, Greece, Norway, Brasil, Qatar, Letonia and Romania.

The En-Ro Dictionary was, for 2 months, in the Top 25 free apps in AppStore and was permanently in the Top 3 free apps in the “Refference” section of AppStore.

In present, the app is installed on over 12,000 iPhones. Also, it is the 1st application that appears in AppStore on searches with Dictionary.

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