Romanian ABC launches 2 new courses of Media School


BRAT, Romanian ABC, will launch 2 new courses of Media School, with support from UAPR (Romanian Union of Advertising Agencies), ARMA (Romanian Association for Audience Measurement) and IAA – Romanian Chapter and under the aegis of CNA (National Council of Audiovisual). The courses will take place between September 16th and December 10th.

A number of 25 people are invited to participate in the third round of Basic Knowledge course, which offers for beginners theoretical and practical activities regarding the basic aspects of the jobs in mass-media, advertising and media agencies and marketing/advertising departments of manufacturers or service providers which use media

Top experts in marketing, advertising, media strategy and planning, audience measurement, specialized software and management will deliver lectures and develop interactive projects with participants.

Another 25 people will have the option to participate in the first round of Towards Excellence, which addresses the advanced staff of mass-media, advertising and media agencies and marketing/advertising departments of clients, having minimum 2 and half years experience in the field of media business. Well-recognized managers in the media industry, with multilateral experience in marketing management will share their theoretical insights and practical learnings on modern management, marketing and communication, optimization of media operations, negotiation techniques, the future of digital communication and media measurement.

The applications for Media School can be made until August 31st. The 1st course costs Euro 800 and the 2nd – Euro 1,000.

The first media school created by the advertising industry, Media School responds to the professional demands of the industry and gives graduates a diploma recognized by all member companies.