The Geeks launches a tongue in cheek campaign to promote a Romanian jobs counciling platform 

Creativity, Digital & Media, Social Media

Romanian The Geeks created “What do your folks say?” campaign, aimed to promote, a platform of IQ, personality and interests test platforms meant to offer help to young people looking for a job. On, users can see what reactions could have a mum and a dad, representatives for the parents generation, regarding the job kids would desire. - Inginer

The campaign started from the  insight according to which parents have an important role in the decision young people at the beginning at their career make regarding a job or a professional direction. The Geeks aims to highlight the differences between the expectations and demands parents were prepared for and the knowledge and skills imposed by the actual job market. Parents’ reactions to different jobs can be tested on the platform and also show some of the unrealistic but well intended advises parents come up with.

The strategic direction of this campaign was clear from the very beginning. There are too few young people making a choice based on skills they already have and too many that base their choices in career on orientational advises coming most of the time from parents. A brainstorming with the colleagues from the agency brought to light some of the funniest advises each of us received from our parents

Costin Radu

Managing Partner & Head of Creative Planning The Geeks

The tests we are offering on portal offer a series of valuable information on people, information that each of us must have before making decision related to the career. These decisions will influence an extremely important part of our life and we need to consider multiple aspects: personal potentialities (…), possibilities of studies / education in the domains of interest, information on professions and many other. At the moment, we can notice young people’s trend to choose by ear, without having a minimum of relevant information

Dan Petre


The stage of personal knowledge usually happens through the subjective filter of those around (usually the family), the info on professions come also from here. We know for sure that any parent doesn’t want anything but to see his kid happy and we want to support famlies so the vocational orientation process to be complete and made properly

Anca Popescu


Users are directed towards through a Facebook Ads campaign, running from October 14th to November 14th

The Geeks’ team working on the project included Mirabela Manea (Brand Communication Manager), Miruna Antonescu (Senior Creative Planner), Tudor Pop (Copywriter), Daniel Harmanescu (Copywriter), Maria Teodorof (Copywriter), Cristian Balan (Copywriter) Stefan Bejan (Designer), Paul Foltache (Web Developer), David Teodorescu (Digital Project Manager), Costin Radu (Managing Partner & Head of Creative Planning). The client is represented by Dan Petre (coordinator and Anca Popescu (psychologist).