99 yo Romanian Flacara Magazine finally launched a website
Flacara Magazine, one of the most known and respected Romanian print press brands, decided, after 99 years of history, to enter the internet, with its own website: www.revistaflacara.ro.
In the 99 years since launch, Flacara used its pages to promote culture, education and scientific performance.
On the site, the visitors can read articles and dossiers that appear in print and also can check up the old numbers, in a special archive. The archive will be expanded constantly, to offer access to subjects from the previous numbers of the magazine.
www.revistaflacara.ro was realized via a partnership between “Publicatiile Flacara” and Bakemono, online publishing&development company.
The 1st number of Flacara Magazine was published on October 22nd 1911. The magazine was founded by Constantin Banu and hosted in its pages works of well known Romanian writers.
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