Romanian Advertising Associations To Work With Govt On The Country’s Tourism Brand Project
IAA Romania, ARRP and UAPR will advise Romania’s Tourism Ministry in drafting the task book for the auction to select the country’s tourism brand, according to a press release.
The three institutions signed a protocol in this respect with the Romanian Ministry of SMEs, Commerce, Tourism and Liberal Professions. The associations will advise the ministry on the drafting of the task book for the international auction to select the country’s tourism brand, which is scheduled for this autumn.
“We appreciate the government’s initiative to assign EUR75 million to promote the country. This is a significant budget, which allows Romania to work with the best agencies in the world. But we need to know exactly what to ask for,” said Felix Tataru, head of IAA Romania.
The working committee for the drafting of the task book includes tow representatives of each organization.
The building and promotion of Romania’s tourism brand is one of the Tourism Ministry’s main projects for the interval 2007-2013, and is financed with EU structural funds.