Brandstalk and Nicola Porter Novelli tell the story of Aurelia Visinescu’s wines

Creativity, PR

Brandstalk and Nicola Porter Novelli tell the story of the wines in Aurelia Visinescu’s portfolio, that will be promoted through a mix of advertising and PR starting this autumn.

Nomad, Artisan and Anima, the 3 ranges of wines, include numerous types of tasty wines.

The meeting with Aurelia Visinescu was an emotional moment because I had the occasion to meet a person that’s really passionate about what she is doing. She charmed me from the 1st moment with the way she was animating the dialogue with stories from the vineyard and stories about how wine is made. It is a pleasure to work with a client with such an appealing product, that puts in motion our imagination and invites us to discover the story behind the product

Roxana Memetea

Managing Partner Brandstalk

Wine is inviting to meditation and chat and is the perfect excuse to craft a really interesting story. To promote a client that allows you to play and create stories is a pleasure. That is why we are happy to communicate for Aurelia Visinescu’s portfolio of brands

Sorina Mihai

Managing Partner Nicola Porter Novelli