Initiative Romania launched Media Fact Book 2014 and predicts the start of media’s programmatic era

Business, Media, Studies

Initiative Media, part of Interpublic MediaBrands and active in Romania as part of Lowe Group, launched Media Fact Book 2014, the 18th edition of the only report that offers an objective radiography of the Romanian media market.

For this year’s edition of the report, the chapters on digital were made by Initiative together with BPN Romania.

Media Fact Book 2014 also includes a section dedicated to CEE – CEE Pulse – which brings in readers’ attention the similaritis and differences of 16 media markets in the region.

Media Fact Book is a guide published annually by Initiative since 1997 and is the only analysis of the Romanian media and advertising market. The study can be fully downloaded from and is accessible on any device.

Alexandra Olteanu

2014 is the year of paradigm changes within the media industry. In digital sector, we are stepping into the era of programmatic trading platforms, with clients, agencies and publishers being extremely interested by the efficient in-real time way to transact digital space, to profile in detail the consumers which are online – digital is the medium in which this type of buying will propagate in the future also towards other media which also become digital step by step, no matter we’re talking about TV (we see this phenomena already in US) or OOH. Tech is more and more important in our lives and its adoption in Romania is extremely fast – marketing cannot and should not remain outside of this phenomena – therefore future already happened

Alexandra Olteanu,

Managing Director, Initiative Media.

According to Media Fact Book 2014, Romanian media market had a stable evolution in 2012-2013 (Euro 305M), with a forecast for a similar value for 2014

There are 3 years of well deserved stability for Romanian media market and, if we put together the positive signals from the 1st quarter from consumption area and population crediting area, we can already come up with an optimistic prognosis, which is that,  in 2015, we will feel the much expected growth of the local media market

Alexandra Olteanu.

In 2013, the budgets attracted by TVs reached to around Euro 193M and the Emergency ordinance 25/2013 doesn’t seem to have affected the level of the market in terms of volume. For 201, MFB estimates media volumes in TV will maintain to the same level.

When it comes of the evolution of the other media channels in 2013, radio was flat, print went down 10% and the trends will maintain this year also. When it comes of digital, this is the only medium that posted growth in 2013 (12%) and its growth is estimated to continue in 2014 by 8%

Starting 2014, it is visible a decrease of the local display volumes by around 10%. The performance media represents the engine of digital growth – with growth rates in 2013 and 2014 of around 25% (google display, facebook) and, more recent, in the Real Time Bidding area – that starts from relatively small volumes but posts high annual growth of over 60%.  This growth in the performance area shows us one more time the desire of Romanian agencies when it comes of making efficient the audience buying. Also, Mediabrands Romania recently launched Cadreon dedicated to our programmatic buying clients

Alexandra Olteanu.