H1 2014 in Romanian digital advertising: +19% compared to H1 2013, to RON 58.5M

Creativity, Digital & Media, Marketing, Studies

Romanian digital advertising market posted a like-for-like increase of 19% in H1 2014 compared to the same period of 2013, with the value reported by the 21 participant companies being of RON 58.5M (Euro 13.17M) . The data comes from the most recent edition of ROADS study, made by IAB Romania and PwC Romania.

Although on a raising trend compared to the same period in 2013, digital advertising market posted, in H1, a like-for-like decrease if the second half of 2013 is taking as comparison term.

The reported value in H1 2014 by the reference group, from which are part the companies that participated to both ROADS editions in 2013 and in the 1st ROADS edition of the current year, dropped by 17% compared to the value in H2 2013.

In H1 2014, telecom remained one of the activity sectors posting the biggest value in terms of investments in digital advertising, followed by drinks sector and the auto industry.

The increase of the advertising market in H1 2014 is a good news that gives us hopes also for H2 of the current year. We are optimistical when it comes the growth for the entire year 2014, there are visible again the effects of consistent and bigger and bigger investments in advertising on Google, YouTube and Facebook. We have reasons for optimism – digital campaigns are planned more and more efficiently from one year to another and the digital advertising remains, this way, the industry with the highest growth potential

Ioana Anescu,

Managing Director IAB Romania.

The digital formats with the highest usage remained, in H1 2014, embedded ones, followed by interruptive and sponsored content