Ecommerce Europe: Northern European e-commerce expected to reach 31 billion in 2013, 7.1% growth
Northern European B2C e-commerce’s development seems to be extremely good, as shown by the new Northern Europe B2C E-commerce Report, published by Ecommerce Europe, European umbrella organisation for online retailers.
The total Northern European e-commerce economy of online sold goods and services was of Euro 28.4BN in 2012 and expected to reach to Euro 31BN in 2013. Figures in Ecommerce Europe reports are based on the European Measurement Standard for Ecommerce (EMSEC).
The Northern European region (including Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland and the Baltic states) is now in fourth position for e-commerce size, with a 9.2% European market share. Last year, the total B2C
e-commerce economy of Northern Europe was of Euro 28.4BN, up 10% compared to 2011. Online sales are forecast to reach Euro 31BN in 2013, up 7.1% compared to 2012.
The mature online markets of Northern Europe are Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland, with Denmark leading the way with total online sales of Euro 7.4BN. The total online sales for 2013 in Denmark are estimated to reach to Euro 8.3 BN. Sweden and Norway rank second and third place (total sales of Euro 8.1BN and Euro 7.6BN), while Finland ranks 4th (Euro 5.6BN). The Baltic states and Iceland are showing the lowest online sales ( between Euro 100M and Euro 300M each)
In 2012, the Northern Europe population was estimated to 32.1M (3.9% of Europe’s population). Internet penetration in Northern Europe (86%) has been above the European (66%) and EU28 average (76%) in 2012. The latest number of Internet-users is estimated at 27.6 million for Northern Europe. The top three tier having internet access is being lead by Iceland with 95%, followed by Norway and Sweden with 93% and 92% respectively.
According to the report, Northern European e-household spend online Euro 2,145 in 2012, with 19M consumers from this area buying products online last year. The average amount used for online buys is above European average (Euro 1,400) and EU28 average (Euro 1,696). Norway leads the way (Euro 2,981 on e-spend per household), followed by Finland (Euro 2,821) and Denmark (Euro 2,868), with the 3 mentioned countries being the highest online spenders in Europe after the U.K.